club carryに関して書かれたブログ記事「Progressive Alaska: 」を紹介いたします。
記事でもご紹介のclub carryにぜひ一度遊びに行ってみて下さい!
club carryを含め、このエリアには楽しいお店がいっぱいです!ぜひ一度遊びに行ってみて下さい!
Progressive Alaska:
But had I been on board one of those planes on the way to take a loved one off life support, or be at a wedding, or job interview, or any other event that we get on planes for, and had to be diverted by a woman who knowingly got on board after her water broke, I may not admire her uterine control so much. Her lack of judgment .... If there's something there, the Opposition Team will ferret it out, so until then, I think all of you should STFU and stick to the issues that matter.